The Art of Origami
Folding alone and largely self-taught, June began folding origami at age 7.
Her many accomplishments in the field of origami include designing and
creating the 1999 to 2006 Origami Holiday Tree at American Museum of
Natural History in New York City. Her folding and teaching talents have
been featured on numerous television programs including the Martha
Stewart Living Show.
She was the recipient of the "Golden Box Pleat Award" in 2005 for
recognition of her International contribution in Origami, and of the "Michael
Shall Award" in 2005 recognizing her volunteerism in bridging East/West
relations. She also participated in San Francisco's World Tree of Hope from
2006 to 2013.
In 1992, June attended her first OrigamiUSA convention in New York City.
There she encountered hundreds of folders from around the world who
shared her passion for paper folding.
Using her limited Japanese speaking ability, she assisted many Japanese
folders who came to attend the convention. In gratitude, she became the
happy recipient of many origami gifts, the start of her extensive collection.
Later while attending international origami conventions, the gifts continued
to flow and her collection of these pieces began in earnest.
A former member of the OrigamiUSA Board of Directors, she continues to
fold and promote the art of origami. She currently lives in San Mateo.