Why Join Saratoga Rotary?

The Rotary Club of Saratoga, chartered in 1955 with over 80 active members, is part of Rotary International, an international humanitarian organization with over 1.4 million members from over 46,000 clubs in 200 countries.
The Club meets every Friday from Noon to 1:30pm at the Joan Pisani Community Center (19655 Allendale Ave, Saratoga, CA 95070) or on Zoom. Please email saratogarotary@gmail.com if you would like to attend our meetings.
Members network and have lunch between noon and 12:30pm. Typically our general meeting takes place from 12:30 – 1:00pm, and we have a speaker from 1 – 1:30pm.
The meeting is open to all members, and guests are always welcome. Please join us!

Our club is involved in many charitable, civic and community activities, including a variety of community, international and youth service projects.

The Club’s annual fundraiser is a two day outdoor art show held the first weekend of May at West Valley College, proceeds from which are used to support local charitable and educational needs.

Social events for the members of Saratoga Rotary and their partners are organized by our club's Fellowship committee and occur almost monthly. They include casual TGIF's at a member's home where everyone brings an appetizer and wine, a holiday party, bocce ball parties, halloween parties, San Jose Giants game, etc